Thursday, 31 March 2011

Out and About

Last week when it was sunny and hot, I was sitting outside with a friend at the uni campus, and we were taking photos of the linking bit from the old building to the new building (which form a sort of arch over the court yard). As normal I took it with an angel to make it more interesting.

Monday, 21 March 2011

Photos taken using instagram for iPhone

This was take using the instagram app on iPhone. The effect that I used for this is call early bird.

Saturday, 19 March 2011


There was a supermoon last night , it did not look very super to me. They were going on about how it was bigger and brighter. I got the brighter part but not the bigger part oh well. Even though I got some nice photies of it when it was pretty and red.

Wednesday, 9 March 2011

Birmingham in Pinhole

On Wednesday I went to Focus on Imaging in Birmingham, I had a wonder around. There seems to be lots of new 3D cameras coming out, I saw about four or five different 3D camera. However I wondered how long will it take them to make 3D camera were you don't have to wear glasses to view the photos because if it can be done with the Nintendo DS surely the technology is out there so it can't be that far off. I guess we'll see though.

Anyhoo back to my title of this blog pinhole. After Focus I went into Birmingham and yet again I was playing with the pinhole function on my camera. However this time I was taking photos in day light, this created some interesting effects.