Tuesday, 28 December 2010

An obsession of mine

I love go take photies from under chandeliers, it all started in a salt mine in poland about three Christmas' ago when a I was visiting krakow. People always think I'm mad when they see me putting my camera on the floor to take the photo.

This particular one was taken in The Ritz London.

Saturday, 18 December 2010

Snow December 2010

Yet again this year there as been lots of snow, and yes I have been snowed in. However my road is a very good sled run as live on a hill.

But most importantly snow makes pretty photies

Thursday, 29 July 2010

Photies from Hawaii

The last two weeks i've been in Hawaii which was amazing the weather was great. So on the second day I was there the new Hawaii 5-0 was being filmed in my hotel which was pretty cool.

The sunsets were amazing the colours were so beautiful.

There will be more photos soon as I need to sort them all out!!!! So watch this space!

Tuesday, 6 July 2010


Seeing as it has been nice and warm over the last few weeks I been taking loads of photos out in the sun.

Thursday, 17 June 2010

Random Photos from Laptop

I was looking through my photos on my laptop and found some that I took when I went on a trip to Paris. It was quite funny because I keep getting left behind as it had just rained and I love taking photographs of reflections whether they be in building or puddles. But back to my point as it had rained there were lots of puddles. The texture of the road made some really interesting and abstract compositions.

Monday, 14 June 2010

Chelsea Flower Show 2010

I went to he chelsea flower back in May but have only just finished editing the photos as I have been very busy sorting out my final Project for University.

Anyway it was really interesting as every year I have watched it on tv. But when I actually got there the gardens where much smaller than they had appeared. It was however a wonderful day where i took loads of photographs, but it was difficult deciding which ones to put on here as always but I managed to make a choice.

Friday, 11 June 2010

Free Range Show London Opening

Last Night was opening night for my show in london it went very well I have had lots of positive feed back about my work. The general view about it was that it was bright and was very striking making people want to come look at them. I was also told that it was very different to the other work that were being shown, which they all said was a good thing.

Tuesday, 25 May 2010

Free Range Show London

This summer I will be exhibiting my work from my Final Project at the Free Range Show in London. Which starts on the 10th June at The old truman Brewery. These are some photos that were taken as part the project but are not be exhibited.

Wednesday, 14 April 2010


Slight delay in posting photographs from Berlin but I have been really busy with taking photographs form my final project and also writing an essay :(. Which now i've been told I have to
re- write because there is not enough theory behind the topic that i chose to look at oh well but life go on.

When in Berlin we went a spy tower that was used in the war by the americans to spy on the russian and the german. But an interesting fact is th
at the hill its on is man made because under it there is rubble from a university that Hilter went to. On the day we went also the own was there so we couldn't go to the top and look at the view which wasn't very good because to get in we had to climb though some fencing as technically we weren't allowed in there oh well.

Tuesday, 16 March 2010


Hey once again I've been bad at posting photos oh dear. But here I am once again.

So my latest trip has been to Marrakech with the family which was really fun. Although I did think it was going to be warmer and sunnier but I was wrong :(. I did take lots of photos as per normal when I go away.

I should be posting some more in a week or so as I'm off on a university trip to Berlin